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Build stories that matter with Storyteller

by Emma Van Sant 11.06.2015
Open source meets longform, immersive storytelling
Open source meets longform, immersive storytelling

Welcome to Storyteller, our newest Newscoop theme. This open source longform theme helps journalists and storytellers alike transform their browser window into a canvas for storytelling.

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To make information beautiful is to make it readable

by Emma Van Sant 28.05.2015
Longform journalism is a valuable tool for journalists looking to present complex or lengthly stories in an easy to read manner | Photo by Jordan McQueen (CC BY 1.0)
Longform journalism is a valuable tool for journalists looking to present complex or lengthly stories in an easy to read manner | Photo by Jordan McQueen (CC BY 1.0)

Longform and open source make a dynamite combination. Read about how a project with a former employee led to the creation of a new longform theme for our content management system, Newscoop. 

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Crunching the numbers with Newscoop's accounting widget

by Jan Michael Ihl 19.03.2015
Save valuable time and increase efficiency and accountability with the new Newscoop accounting widget | Photo by Sonja Landford (CC BY 1.0)
Save valuable time and increase efficiency and accountability with the new Newscoop accounting widget | Photo by Sonja Landford (CC BY 1.0)

For most of us crunching numbers can be about as thrilling as watching paint dry, so why spend more time doing it than absolutely necessary? Save time and increase efficiency and transparency with our new accounting widget for Newscoop. 

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Know your numbers with our Facebook front-end statistic widget

by Pawel Mikołajczuk 12.03.2015
It's important to have good statistics tools I Photo credit: Lendingmemo, (CC BY 2.0)
It's important to have good statistics tools I Photo credit: Lendingmemo, (CC BY 2.0)

With the rise and ever increasing presence of social media, media consumption habits are also changing. This front-end statistic widget will help publishers in keeping track of how often their articles are being read on their site and on Facebook.

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The Newscoop Google Calendar plugin

by Eva Dangendorf 5.02.2015
Example Google Calendar
Example Google Calendar(photo: Eva Dangendorf)

The Newscoop Google Calendar Plugin is here! This plugin allows you to import events from one or more public Google calendars as specific event items into the Newscoop backend. 

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Introducing the Liquid theme for Newscoop

by Aleksandar Jeličić 8.12.2014
Users can enjoy a seamless and clean design with the release of the new Liquid theme
Users can enjoy a seamless and clean design with the release of the new Liquid theme

Today is the release of our new Newscoop theme, Liquid. Clean, simple and user friendly, Liquid includes masonry layout and is designed with magazines in mind.

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