Live Blog 3.0.9 - new release

Some software releases are more exciting than others... we can all agree on that. But flashy features don't always translate to importance. This brand new Live Blog release, 3.0.9 lacks some of the pizzazz and new features of its predecessors but includes some important bug fixes and key improvements. You can download 3.0.9 on GitHub.
Live Blog 3.0.9 is aimed at improving theme handling on Amazon and addressing some backwards compatibility issues resulting from schema changes. There are also a lot of bug fixes and a handful of nice improvements like a javascript that automatically resizes the blog embed to seamlessly fit into the parent page (aka article).
Responsive iframes
Iframes are great but when it comes to the modern web, they are slightly outdated. While it’s easy to set a fluid width it doesn’t work with height set to 100%. The parent page simply doesn’t “know” how much content you have in the iframe. To fix this, we have revamped and reintroduced the iframe-resizer javascript which now comes with the Angular Theme Toolkit. Users can now choose whether they want to use the standard iframe or the responsive embed code in the blog settings.
Theme manager
Updating themes in the previous Live Blog version could be a bit cumbersome, especially in cases where the blogs were deployed behind a proxy with some caching. This could cause some headaches for the admins. To address that issue, we have added alerts that notify the admins as to whether the theme has been successfully uploaded and added. To avoid clearing server cache after each theme update, a new version (new folder) is created each time so that the changes can be seen immediately.
Enhanced security
From now on, all users will be required to choose more secure passwords. They now need to be at least 8 characters long and a combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers, and/or specials characters. The old passwords will be kept, but every new user and all password changes need to comply with the stronger security rules.
We have enhanced security in Live Blog 3.0.9
Bug fixes
As usual, there are a lot of small improvements and bug fixes in each release. To name a few, we have fixed issues with embedding some content from Facebook and Instagram, a bug with drag and drop in photo upload and an issue with the incorrect orientation of some photos from mobiles.
A lot of effort has been made to improve the mobile version of the Classic Theme as some of our users embed the blogs on their mobile apps.
So what are you waiting for? You can download Live Blog 3.0.9 and start liveblogging today!
If you'd like to skip the installation process, get in touch with us to discuss managed hosting options.