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Where in the world is Sourcefabric?

Airtime live event radio | Photo credit Flickr Vaughan Nelson (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Airtime live event radio | Photo credit Flickr Vaughan Nelson (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Someone in our Berlin office recently did the math and figured that 23 nationalities are represented on the Sourcefabric team. It's one of the reasons we call ourselves "the United Nations of software development."

Our presence extends even further when you look at the thousands of people using Sourcefabric software and services around the planet. We have implementations on every continent that isn't covered with ice. Our tools are localized in 15 languages, with another 15 on the way. And we have an enormous community of developers and journalists all sharing experience and ideas and helping us make the best open-source solutions possible.

Where in the world is Sourcefabric?

2014 is going to be an exciting year, with new partners, new releases and new adventures. Today, we want to share with you a little interactive map we threw together, so you can see a few of the places where Sourcefabric solutions are making a difference -- thanks to input from our community. We couldn't have done it without you.

Winter reboot

Like many of you, a lot of us will be taking some time off in late December to be with our families and reboot. We'll still help you with any urgent things that come up, but we will otherwise be a bit slower on the blog, forums and social media. We'll be back up to speed again after January 6.

Holiday gift

And as a holiday treat, we're offering one month free Airtime Pro plus silver streaming, our open source radio automation tool. From today until January 20, head on over to our checkout, select your domain, type in the code SourcefabricHoliday2013 when you checkout, and start your holiday music mix in the cloud!

Thanks again for a great year and wishing you all the best in 2014.