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New Newscoop REST API overview

Newscoop is really great software, but not everything is perfect, some features could be very helpful to develop. One of them was REST API. I think that everyone here knows what REST API is, so i will go to the point. 

Finally with Newscoop 4.1 REST API will come into fruition. Let’s describe what it is a little.

Actual state

This is the first version of the API, and now it supports only READ ACCESS - that means that we can’t put anything on newscoop through this API.


As the API is read only, we support only GET http methods. In standard Newscoop 4.1 installation API is available at-newscoop.com/api. Every response with a list of resources comes with a Pagination object.


Here is a list of all the available resources with endpoints (some resources are only part of other resources like Author, Comment and Media):

Use cases

The most common use cases for every API right now are mobile applications. In the case of Newscoop we can easily create iPhone apps for reading articles. The second possible case would be creating widgets with the latest articles and putting them on a 3rd party website. 

How to get Newscoop with REST API?

Right now it’s available here:

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